
Take a look at the courses I took for my MSc and BSc. I have written the corresponding course identification numbers in brackets which you can use to get more information about the courses from the course catalogue (VVZ).

Master's Degree

Spring Semester 2023

Autumn Semester 2022

Spring Semester 2022

Fall Semester 2021

Spring Semester 2021

Bachelor's Degree

Fall Semester 2020

In this semester, I finished my bachelor's degree by writing my bachelor's thesis on "HomeDetective: Improved Area Subdivision and Support for Areas of Interest" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Roger Wattenhofer, co-suppervisor: Simon Tanner).

Spring Semester 2020

Due to the mandatory military service in Switzerland, I was forced to take a break during this semester.

Fall Semester 2019

Until this semester, I accumulated 171 of the required 180 ETCS points for my bachelor's degree. Only the bachelor thesis - which is worth 10 ETCS points - is left. However, the bachelor thesis was cancelled by mutual agreement due to a disagreement with the supervising professor. I also worked 60% as a student employee at Sensirion AG in Stäfa during this semester.

Spring Semester 2019

Fall Semester 2018

Spring Semester 2018

Fall Semester 2017

Spring Semester 2017

After passing the tests of the first year at my second try, I had to wait until summer to start the second year, as it is recommended to not take courses from the second semester of the second year before finishing the first semester of the second year. Thus, I took a break from studying and worked full-time as a software engineer intern at Sensirion AG in Stäfa.

Fall Semester 2016

As I did not pass the tests of the first year, I had to repeat them. Thus, no new courses taken this semester.

Spring Semester 2016

Fall Semester 2015